Portable RIG back to start page
Here is my portable RIG. It includes a Kenwood TS-50, mounted in an aluminium box. The lead battery is a 15Ah one, which allows working for several hours with 10 and sometimes 50 W output. I almost never use the 100W option. The TS-50 front is tilted up so that the front panel is easy to reach.
You see in the opened boxes´ cover a PSK modem (top), a commercial CW memory keyer and the key, which can be removed from the aluminium box when in use.
The grey box at left with the Ni batteries on top is the remote control of my homemade magnetic loop antenna, which will be described separately. The meter can be switched to indicate either the actual SWR or the position of the magloop´s variable capacitor (motor driven). The switches serve to control the motor (left/right and fast/slow).
This picture was taken in 2004. Meanwhile, the magloop´s control unit has been re-built. The loop itself and the control unit are described elsewhere on this page (magnetic loop).
to be continued...